Tagged: Docker

Podman Logo 1

Running Laravel Sail with Podman

Start the Podman system service Be sure the podman-docker and docker-compose packages are installed. After installing the packages, start the Podman systemd socket-activated service using the following command:


RPM Packaging Informix IDS 11.70 for CentOS 7

This is a rough version of my documentation for installing informix inside a container and then package it as RPM, I put it here in case it benefits anything else. Stand Alone Install Make...

Java in A container 0

Running Java GUI application in Docker

This is a more specific use case of running GUI application with Docker, the procedure is pretty simple (and most option are common for most GUI application), You mount the UNIX socket for the...


Building CinelerraCV for Fedora 22 under Docker

The Dockerfile This Dockerfile will use Fedora Docker image (which you can download from any Fedora mirror server, and then use docker import to import the image) as the base for our builder image,...