Rabin.IO Blog


Upgrading Fedora Installation on DigitalOcean

I found this method works for me, #Check if user is root if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then echo “Sudo privileges required!” exit 1; fi dnf update NEXT_VERSION=25 rpm –import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-${NEXT_VERSION}-$(uname -i) dnf...

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ZSH Home / End Keys

Self note, Add this lines to ~/.zshrc bindkey ‘\e[1~’ beginning-of-line # Linux console bindkey ‘\e[H’ beginning-of-line # xterm bindkey ‘\eOH’ beginning-of-line # gnome-terminal bindkey ‘\e[2~’ overwrite-mode # Linux console, xterm, gnome-terminal bindkey ‘\e[3~’ delete-char...


Matching non ASCII characters in NGiNX location

If you need to match a non ASCII string with NGiNX, and don’t want to use the encoded URL, you can use this trick, location ~* (*UTF8)^/אודות$ { return 301 “https://blog.rabin.io/about-me”; } Resources http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28055909/does-nginx-support-raw-unicode-in-paths...

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Visualize real-time data streams with Gnuplot

Some times when I need to troubleshoot a problem, adding some visualization to the process can help a lot, especially if one need to correlate between 2 (or more) metrics in the data. But...


Run Command Before Starting SSH Connection

This a quick hack I found while I was looking to run a knock script before connecting to servers which I have the SSH service protected with a knock sequence. In my setup I...


[PHP] Validate Email Address Format

A quick snippet I use to validate email address format. <?php if (empty($argv[1])) { echo ‘usage: ‘ . $argv[0] . ‘ [email protected]’ . PHP_EOL; exit (1); } array_shift($argv); foreach ($argv as $key => $email)...


Building CinelerraCV for Fedora 22 under Docker

The Dockerfile This Dockerfile will use Fedora Docker image (which you can download from any Fedora mirror server, and then use docker import to import the image) as the base for our builder image,...