Rabin.IO Blog


Expand GitHub Branch Actions Block

If you have a large list of actions in your action block, you will have to scroll inside of it, and I find it annoying, luckily you can fix it very easily with Firefox...


Make krunner bigger

I didn’t find any simple option, but I was able to hack it around, With Fedora, I edit the file `/usr/lib64/qt5/qml/org/kde/milou/ResultDelegate.qml:183` and increased the font size by multiplying the `Layout.preferredWidth` and `Layout.preferredHeight` And the...


PXE/TFTP Boot File Search Path

When booting a machine using (i)PXE there is simple logic the boot process will use to find the most specific boot file it can find to bootstrap from. Where the most specific one is...


Install All The Nerd Fonts

This is a small script I wrote for myself to download all the NERD Fonts automatically. Gist: https://gist.github.com/rabin-io/28a701ced8127ced0e39b23188f8f712