Running Laravel Sail with Podman
Start the Podman system service
Be sure the podman-docker
and docker-compose
packages are installed. After installing the packages, start the Podman systemd
socket-activated service using the following command:
sudo systemctl start podman.socket
Verify the system service is running by hitting the ping endpoint and see if we get a response. This step needs to be successful before we can proceed further.
sudo curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" --unix-socket /run/podman/podman.sock http://localhost/_ping OK
Link to the socket file
Then we link the expected docker.sock file path to the new podman.sock file that we just created via the podman.socket unit. And give our user R/W permission to it, so we can work with it, without running everything with sudo.
cd /run && sudo ln -vfs podman/podman.sock docker.sock && sudo chown $USER -R /run/podman
And let’s check again the ping endping to make sure the link is working.
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" --unix-socket /var/run/docker.sock http://localhost/_ping